About Me

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Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
My name is Peace Ravenwood and I am a Living Foods educator and experimenter, founder of the School of Living Foods and Alchemy Elixir Cafe ~ based in Northamptonshire UK. I love sharing the gifts and benefits of a life rich in raw foods, and also love spending as much time as possible outside in the garden, growing lots of fresh organic produce to use in the recipes. Wild foraging is also a passion of mine, one which I am constantly learning more about. My life is dedicated to learning and sharing every aspect of life in the raw, from seed ~ stomach ~ spirituality and sensuality. My other loves are of spending time with loved ones Anthony and our tribe of furry companions, reading, researching, writing and a little radical rebellion...my aim here to you is to walk with you while we change our world, one meal at a time Inlakesh Peace xxx

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Cocooning...and a sad goodbye

January began much as December ended...with Ant's father as our main priority.  He continued to deteriorate over the last month and he just wanted to get out of the hospital.  We did achieve this for him and he moved into the nursing home on January 11th.  His move was in ambulance as he was so frail, and the journey for him was not a good one.  Unfortunately he again deteriorated faster than we have seen, and, on Friday the 14th he passed over to the Summerlands...he is now at peace, free to be young again and we miss him greatly.

Tom was a lovely man, so kind and happy, to see cancer turn him into a shell of his former self was such an unkind end to a very long life.

Now, I feel like hibernating a little from the bigger world, while we deal with all the things grown ups deal with at the end of a loved ones life.  Each day we are taking the steps needed to put all of his life in order, celebrating it at the same time...no time to dwell on morbid thoughts and un needed sadness, as he was a big part of our lives and every day we wish to carry that love he showed with us by showing everyone even more love and living life as it ought to be...fully and happily.
We are spending time sharing lots of stories about dad, and the life he had with Neta before I came into the Smith family..such happiness and a simplicity to their lives that today is hardly in existance in modern relationships full of stress and ulcers!!!
I adore hearing tales of couples being happily together for over 30 years...such an amazing and awesome achievement!
I won't dwell on the not so happy relationships, long or short, for I tend to steer clear of negativity at all costs...not good for our health!

As for health...well, from Jan 3rd I began a juice cleanse, for 8 days mostly green juices and a light 'fat' portion of olives and avocado in the evenings.  It was great to feel so light and clear in this time, and although I have been eating since the 8th day, some cooked and some more raw foods, I am continuing to juice every other day and have smoothies on the intervening days.  Apart from the last couple of days I have maintained a 90% raw level which is the highest % for me since beginning this lifestyle.
I love being that bit more clear and will be hopefully back to this tomorrow...not as great today as we have been for another :0( But high raw all the same :0)
I have felt fatigued since yesterday, going to bed at 8pm last night feeling so worn out...but I put this down to the past year looking after dad and the last few days seeing him go down so much.
I sit here now with a pot of superfood chocolate spread and a spoon...and my energy is lifting lots...hee hee...

Tomorrow is juicing day again, and I shall make about 2 litres of green heaven to take me through to Tuesday afternoon. Then, smoothies on Wednesday.
Supper tonight is a pan of cauliflower and broccoli soup to which I add, on serving, a big handful of sea vegetable salad...this tastes so good and really assists health in top form.  I tend to add seaweeds to lots of cooked dishes now, and always add it to a salad...dulse is amazing in salad as is cut up nori sheets.

I have a couple of day time events to attend this week, with the obligatory nasty food criminals, well, cooked food in general...I will be taking a salad with me to the all day event on Wednesday so as to not look a complete freak when everyone is eating the cooked carvery lunch and poor vegetarian option as is usual at events :0(
Tuesday should not be a problem as it last until lunch time, so just need to take a juice...I so love to see people's faces when I pour out a huge glass of 'pond slime' as it has been called!  It creases me :0)
Even better is when some ask to try it, and realise how totally delicious it is...some converts to green juices at each outing for sure :0)

On an end note to this post, I have decided that 2011 is a year for creating as much magic as possible, lots of mischief, love and laughter, and LOTS of chocolate!!!
So, keep tuned here for little snippets of alchemy

Love and Gratitude
Amber Dawn xxx

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