About Me

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Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
My name is Peace Ravenwood and I am a Living Foods educator and experimenter, founder of the School of Living Foods and Alchemy Elixir Cafe ~ based in Northamptonshire UK. I love sharing the gifts and benefits of a life rich in raw foods, and also love spending as much time as possible outside in the garden, growing lots of fresh organic produce to use in the recipes. Wild foraging is also a passion of mine, one which I am constantly learning more about. My life is dedicated to learning and sharing every aspect of life in the raw, from seed ~ stomach ~ spirituality and sensuality. My other loves are of spending time with loved ones Anthony and our tribe of furry companions, reading, researching, writing and a little radical rebellion...my aim here to you is to walk with you while we change our world, one meal at a time Inlakesh Peace xxx

Monday, 4 November 2013

New look to my blog and new content direction - sharing MY journey with you - warning, may not always be pretty!

Hello there!  Well, over a year since I last wrote anything here - all I can say is that life has taken me all over the place and it was not in my orbit to blog for such a long time.
I am a bit rubbish when if comes to venturing off FaceBook for posting what is happening in the life of this little raw faery and for that I am deeply deeply, well, not apologetic, just busy!
However, thanks to my FB friend Sarah (you will know who you are if you read this, fellow blogger)  I have come back to the fold as it were and here is, I hope, the first of many NEW vibrational blog entries, taking me away from FB land a little in favour of the land of the Blog.

What I wish to share with you here, and I may not be very technical mind, is just what is going on in my world of living foods and focussing on the healing aspect of raw.

For the last year I have spent in what I feel is purgatory - in the Welsh wilderness of wet land, damp, cold and darn right not good for my body-ness - I kind of went into a bit of depression as I felt trapped on the side of the hillside, with debilitating knee issues meaning I could not get the exercise and fresh air my body so deeply needed.  When we made the choice to return to our home place of Northamptonshire I was so very very happy!  We landed another pretty postcard cottage to rent, thatched in a very unique way and a nice sized garden, lovely neighbours and rolling nature all around us. Perfect, for now!  More of that in a follow up post.

So, it is my mission now to get my fitness and health back on track, and I share this with you here - in all the good, the bad and the sometimes ugly details.
I will not hold back, I promise you, for I wish it to be as real and authentic as it feels for ME - then, you, the reader, may find some similarities in your own journey perhaps and gain insight as to what moves to shake next?

I have been through it I can tell you, still am, yet I never stay knocked out for long and always keep focussed on the positive long term outcome of this merry dance with healing I am jigging to.

I  love life and all it has to share with us and this involves eating a rather good amount of raw cake and chocolate - so, please do pour yourself a cuppa herbal yumminess and let us settle down to some serious back to nature stuff - basics and beyond here we come.

1 comment:

  1. ah, you're such a lovely writer... I look forward to reading your ramblings.. !
