a light look at what is great about life in the raw...
the sun shining into the bedroom in the morning
the cool breeze as I walk down to check the hens and feed them greens and grains
morning lemon water...so refreshing and a great aid to waking up the digestive system
coconut water with chlorella ~ an awesome meal in a glass and amazing detoxer
Concious Eating ~ my latest study book!
my husband...what an amazing man
Aura the Wonder Dog...she is my guide and soul mate
picking baby salad leaves from the garden and making huge green salads...mmm
feeling over half a stone lighter!!!
laughing often
eating mangoes and dripping their juice everywhere...
mashed banana mono meals...childhood memories
long evenings in the garden sipping rooibos tea
sharing the love with friends
feeling so calm and centred
knowing that I am right where I am supposed to be
feeling my body changing with my heart and soul
being happy to know that all things now make sense
not having to feel that life is a struggle or a battle any more...it is just perfect
waiting for the melon seeds to germinate...oh how I look forward to watching them grow :0)
meeting new friends on the raw journey
just 'being present'
Lovd being present in your moment. Henrietta RFR.