About Me

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Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
My name is Peace Ravenwood and I am a Living Foods educator and experimenter, founder of the School of Living Foods and Alchemy Elixir Cafe ~ based in Northamptonshire UK. I love sharing the gifts and benefits of a life rich in raw foods, and also love spending as much time as possible outside in the garden, growing lots of fresh organic produce to use in the recipes. Wild foraging is also a passion of mine, one which I am constantly learning more about. My life is dedicated to learning and sharing every aspect of life in the raw, from seed ~ stomach ~ spirituality and sensuality. My other loves are of spending time with loved ones Anthony and our tribe of furry companions, reading, researching, writing and a little radical rebellion...my aim here to you is to walk with you while we change our world, one meal at a time Inlakesh Peace xxx

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

So, what am I eating?

Merry May Blessings!
As we move towards the warm sunny days of summer ~ finally here and are we blessed or what? Amazing weather for April and although a little cold in the evenings, the days have been perfect for getting out side and eating up our Vitamin D!!

I wanted to share with you what I am eating at this time of year, now I have moved steadily towards more low fat raw vegan.  I hope it is of use to you if you are wondering what it is all about.
Now, there are the odd times when I enjoy a little bit of feta cheese or the occasional egg, but on the whole this is what a typical day looks like for me.

On waking ~ 6am-ish ~ one pint of warmed water with lemon juice and MSM powder, drank in bed while reading something inspirational ( great way to start the day)
10am ~ smoothie made with 2 bananas, mango, 1/2 pineapple, 2 cups of berries, 1 tsp MSM, 2 tbsp super morning jing powder and 1 tsp E3 live digestive enzymes (I have under performing kidneys and absorption issues so wish to assist them if I can). Cover almost with water then blend until smooth.
OR half a watermelon (shared with Aura the Wonder Dog) or other melon ~ if it is a small melon I eat a whole one!
The smoothies vary in content depending on what is in the house. That amount of fruit makes around 3 pints of smoothie which I drink through to mid afternoon.
2pm ~ Green Smoothie made with 4 sticks celery, 3 handfuls of salad greens from the garden, handful of spinach/kale, 2 cups berries, 1/2 pineapple or 2 bananas (any sweet fruit can replace what I list here) tbsp raw honey.
OR melon.
Supper ~ large green salad with tomatoes, cucumber, celery, sweet peppers sun dried tomatoes and a drizzle of olive oil plus some nutritional yeast flakes if I fancy a cheesy taste.  Now, I do not hold the olive oil for this is the fat I choose to include in my daily diet, rather than avocados or coconut fats (I do sometimes have them but not often) and I leave out nuts most days too (occasionally I throw a small handful into a morning smoothie).
Occasionally I will make a dressing with balsamic and olive oil or tamari but I tend to like it just with oil.

Some cooked foods I still include once or twice a week ~ eggs, potatoes, one serving of feta cheese.

Oh, and I have started to eat some raw chocolate again and so long as it is not a huge amount, I'm loving it again :0)  I did over do it earlier in the year!

What other things do I have?  Rooibos tea with fresh lemon and raw honey, water and any herbal tea I have around, but, drinking so much smoothies means I am rarely thirsty and eating melon really helps hydrate.
Coconut water and chlorella 2 x a day ~ to assist removing heavy metal toxins from the blood and cells!

Since starting to eat this way I have released 1 kilo each week and have found it to be the easiest way so far to not only feel good but remove excess in a steady way without worry.
I'm still working through emotions and 'head stuff' but this is part of the process and it, like toxins, need to come out!
I'm due to book my first colonic since transitioning to raw...no pictures...but(!) I will let you know how it goes!
What have I noticed since upping my game?  That I have little or no tolerance to cooked foods other than those I include above ~ they make me feel blocked up, bloated, dull, heavy and sleepy!

more soon x x x Namaste x x x

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